Photography Dimitri Daniloff
Represented by
Florence Moll & Associée
Paris, France
Creative Field

Dimitri first studied science and technology. Which makes sense given that only the most innovative of visual technologies can enable him to present his highly obsessional concepts. The word “technography” comes to mind as you stand captivated by his works, where bodies under duress are presented. He calls upon matter, bodies and technology to display his specific vision of the very mutation of Men. Bodies in motion or statues frozen in their evolution by Dimitri Daninoff’s processes: the tools and mirrors of his obsessions and intuitions. His concepts, although a bit disturbing at first glance, are attractive and create a paradoxical atmosphere that has seduced the biggest players of the contemporary leisure or prêt-à-porter fashion industries, cementing Dimitri Daniloff’s reputation as an advertising and gallery photographer with a strong identity. Twisting reality, “making the invisible visible”, while remaining in an ambiguous virtual/reality context.