Photography Nick Meek
Represented by
Florence Moll & Associée
London, United Kingdom
Creative Field

Nick Meek was very influenced by the North of England from where he hails: “I was born in the North of England where it can be quite grey and the summers are quite short. I think this had a huge effect on me as a human being… It made me hungry for warmth and colour and, I suppose, adventure. It made me want to explore the world and that I think my photographs show… more than anything else a world that is full of light”. Nick specifically chose the United States to fill up on pictures.
The USA, known for its breath-taking scenery, the excessiveness of the settings you’re always surrounded with. Meek sets in a feeling of contemplative distance but also the sensation of being thrown into the picture thanks to sculptural sets. Almighty nature and the four-wheeled beasts created by the automobile industry: territories and industries in perfect symbiosis. The power of deserted areas only amplified as potential development areas for US super cities. Emptiness and urban development, brought together by one visual transmission force.